The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at San Francisco Insight Meditation Community
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2024-12-08 Guiding Rage Into Power 1:18:39
Nina Gold
The introduction to the GRIP-Training Institute will be led by Tommy Shakur Ross, Nina Gold, Robin Guillen and Lindsey Villarreal. GRIP, Guiding Rage Into Power, is a yearlong program of personal transformation, healing and accountability offered in the California State prisons. It is rooted in restorative justice principals, with the understanding that "hurt people, hurt people and healed people, heal people.” This program began as a basic insight meditation program at San Quentin Prison some 25 years ago. Through real time experience and evidence-based methodology, under the guidance of Jacques Verduin, the program evolved into a deep and comprehensive journey where the participants are able to understand their past traumas and transform their violent behavior. The program is guided by the principles of Stopping Violent Actions, Cultivating Mindfulness, Developing Emotional Intelligence and Understanding Victim Impact.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2024-10-20 Lovingkindness & the Divine Abodes 37:36
Kitty Costello
These four qualities of heart and mind work together, giving us a safe place to dwell, supporting a kind and even joyful response in the midst of EVERYTHING! Lovingkindness, Compassion, Gladness, and Equanimity.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2024-09-15 True Refuge: Finding Our Way Home 36:46
Pamela Weiss
True refuge is not a place or destination. It is a radical shift in attitude and orientation-from me to we, from reactivity to response-ability and from fear to love.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2024-06-09 Upekkhā: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World 28:05
Eugene Cash
Upekkhā (Equanimity) is a Brahma Vihara, one of the ten Pāramīs, and one of the Seven Factors of Awakening
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2024-05-19 Sunday Night with Syra Smith 34:46
Syra Smith
Sunday Night with Syra Smith
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2024-03-24 Holi: Springing into the Goodness of Being 40:34
Eugene Cash
Celebrating the Holy: Discovering Holi, Passover, Nowruz, Easter & Songkran in a Troubled World
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2024-02-25 Integrity & Virtue 33:22
Syra Smith
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2024-02-18 Mutual Vulnerability 33:36
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2024-01-28 Embracing Changes & Transitions 42:06
Syra Smith
Finding peace in the adventure of letting go
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2024-01-21 Your Garden Grows at Midnight 44:20
Devon Hase, Nico Hase
In this talk, devon + nico will offer reflections on cultivating goodness in times of conflict.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

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