The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at San Francisco Insight Meditation Community
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2024-01-14 Freedom and the Jewel of Sangha 51:04
Pamela Weiss
This talk will celebrate the life of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. and the women who surrounded him.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2024-01-07 The Power & Simplicity of Awareness 41:45
Eugene Cash
“This vanishes, that vanishes, but that which knows their vanishing doesn’t vanish... All that remains is simple awareness, utterly pure.” - Maha Boowa
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2023-12-24 Goodbye 2023 Welcoming 2024 35:11
Eugene Cash
Celebrating the Dying & Rebirth of the Light. “You can pick all the flowers, but you can’t stop the spring.” - Pablo Neruda
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2023-12-17 Gathering Our Resources 65:07
Ayya Santacitta
Re-rooting in Inter-being enhances perception and expands the solutions we can see for the world.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2023-12-10 “The whole of the spiritual life” - Relationship 29:50
Syra Smith
“In the Buddhist scriptures it is said that there are four communities: monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen. But I also include elements that are not human in the sangha. The trees, water, air, birds, and so on can all be members of our sangha. A beautiful walking path may be part of our sangha. A good cushion can be also. We can make many things into supportive elements of our sangha. This idea is not entirely new; it can be found throughout the sutras and in the Abhidharma, too. A pebble, a leaf and a dahlia are mentioned in the Saddharmapundarika Sutra in this respect. It is said in the Pure Land Sutra that if you are mindful, then when the wind blows through the trees, you will hear the teaching of the Four Establishments of Mindfulness, the Eightfold Path, and so on. The whole cosmos is preaching the buddhadharma and practicing the buddhadharma. If you are attentive, you will get in touch with that sangha.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2023-12-03 "ENOUGH! ENOUGH! WE GOT ENOUGH STUFF!" -- Wes Nisker 36:21
Kitty Costello
Finding true contentment and fulfillment in the midst of the customary excesses of the holiday season.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2023-11-26 Gratefulness and the Giving of Thanks 32:53
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2023-11-19 Faith & Doubt 31:54
Kitty Costello
“When we sit down, we’re saying something right in that moment about our faith, about our confidence in ourselves, about our belief in change.” –Sharon Salzberg What allows us to accept the Buddha’s invitation, to come see for ourselves what can happen when we’re mindful, and when we’re mindful together? And what hinders?
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2023-11-12 The Three-fold way of Cultivating Awareness 30:10
Dawn Neal
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2023-11-05 Practice Not Complaining 33:30
Gullu Singh
Complaints are typically a manifestation of some kind of aversion, whether mild or extreme. In this talk Gullu will explore the practice of not complaining in the context of the Buddha's teachings on aversion and ill-will.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

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